If you’re looking for the best of the best Android Emulators, then you’ve come to the right place. Below we’ve built a list of the very best Android Emulators you can download right now. These Emulators all have their own perks allowing you to run rooted android, run as many applications as possible, run application on pre-determined device specifications and much more. There’s some great Android Emulators here that will have you gaming and running Android applications on your computer in a breeze. Below each short description we’ve also included a download link along with an external link that will describe each emulator in a little more detail and include instructions on how to get applications running on it.

Bluestacks 2

Bluestacks 2 is probably the most well-known and popular Android Emulator that you will find on the internet. It has support for a huge array of games and is one of the most solid and secure solutions to emulating the Android operating system on your computer. Bluestacks has reliable support for the widest range of games on any Android Emulator and is one of the more solid choices too with very rarely any hiccups or problems in either performance or speed.

Download Bluestacks here


via andyroid.net

via andyroid.net

Andy is similar to Bluestacks in both performance and ease of use. AndyOS supports pretty much the whole gamut of Android applications including productivity apps, games, launchers and widgets and more. You can also install root access if you wish to do that too which opens up a wide array of brand new applications you can try. Therefore, AndyOS may be quiet good for developers looking to build software for rooted android devices.

Download Andy here


via techgield.com

via techgield.com

Droid4x is similar to Andy and Bluestacks 2 in performance and how it runs. However, Droid4x has a unique feature where you can run the application on your phone also and then control the game or application you’re running on your computer from your phone. This means you’ll be able to use the accelerometer and other sensors that aren’t possible on a computer. It’s definitely better than Andy and Bluestacks for a full-fledged gaming experience, however, we believe Andy and Bluestacks may be more reliable and quicker options.

Download Droid4x here


via onhax.co

via onhax.co

Genymotion is next on our list of Android Emulators and Genymotion is focused more towards developers who are looking to test out their apps and games on a wide variety of different devices. Genymotion allows you to very specifically pick resolutions or screen sizes or even go ahead and pick out from some of the most recent phones that have come out to make sure your application works there too. It’s not great for consumer uses such as checking email or even really using apps every day, but it’s great for ensuring your application works on a wide variety of devices.

Download Genymotion here


via androidbaru.info

via androidbaru.info

Nox is similar to Bluestacks in that it is an Android Emulator centered towards gaming! Nox has a brilliant feature that allows you to assign certain gestures that aren’t actionable on a computer to a mouse swipe or a keyboard button. This allows you to play Android games in a far more natural way on your PC. It’s atually rather fun and seems to work well most of the time too with few hiccups!

Download Nox here

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If you're looking for the best of the best Android Emulators, then you've come to the right place. Below we've built a list of the very best Android Emulators you can download right now. These Emulators all have their own perks allowing you to run rooted android, run as...